Take Your Business Overseas: How International Tax Experts and Other Professionals Can Help

As technology and global connectivity continue to change, grow, and evolve, so, too, does the world of business. More than ever before, business owners have the opportunity to take their businesses to the next level by opening themselves up to an international audience. Web-based technology and community makes it easier than it ever has been to adapt your business to the wants and needs of a foreign marketplace, and to present your offerings and conduct business transactions with customers in countries near and far. Of course, there are a few things to consider before you go international—although the process may be easier than ever, care must still be taken to do it right. Recklessness can derail your operations, both abroad and at home. But by surrounding yourself with experts like international tax consultants ( EsquireGroup/International-tax-consultant ) and global marketers, you can increase your business’s chances of success overseas.

Here are a few pieces to have in place as you prepare to take your business international.

Know Your Market

No matter how successful your business is at home, it might require some tweaking for it to do well internationally. Different markets have different needs, and they approach business in different ways, so it’s important that you determine if and how you need to adapt before venturing into the international market. And of course, no two countries are exactly alike, so what might work in one foreign market may be a bust in the next. Do your research, talk to business owners in your desired market, take trips to those locations, talk to an international tax consultant, and keep yourself as informed as possible during the decision-making process.

Even if your business’s concept and offerings are appropriate for a certain foreign market, there are a few other things to consider as well, such as logistics, exchange rates, and the cost of doing business in that country. Consulting with foreign logistics experts, international tax consultants, and financial advisors will help you make the best decision.

Connect with an International Tax Consultant

Even business owners with the best of intentions can get themselves into a great deal of trouble over incorrect foreign tax practices. You may think you fully understand a foreign financial system, but often there are rules and regulations that slip by you if you aren’t an expert. If you’re planning on expanding your business to a foreign market, it is so important that you consult with an international tax consultant. They will provide the guidance and services needed to make sure that everything you are doing financially ( EsquireGroup/About ) meets the legal tax standards for both your home country and the foreign country you’re operating in. An international tax consultant can be the difference between a successful business venture, and hefty fines or even jail time, so their services are a good investment.

Measure Your Results

As with any new venture, it’s important that you measure your results at regular intervals to make sure your investment into a foreign market is worth it. Look deeply at your results to make sure you’re breaking even—you may be doing a lot of business, but if expenses and taxes are high, you may not actually be profiting, so it’s important to analyze carefully and regularly, and talk to an international tax consultant.

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Posted by on October 23, 2017 in Tax


Finding a Civil Rights Attorney in Los Angeles

Discrimination is no joke. Being discriminated against because of personal attributes, such as race or gender, isn’t acceptable in California morally, socially, or legally. If you find yourself in a situation where you believe your civil rights have been violated, here are a few tips to help you seek justice and fair treatment, especially if you choose to take the case to civil court with the help of a civil rights attorney in Los Angeles.

Know Your Rights

Everybody has the same legal civil rights, regardless of race, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, and physical and developmental ability. Nobody has the right to discriminate against you, injure you, deny you business, or otherwise cause you harm based on these grounds. If you have been violated on any of the above grounds, you do have the right to seek justice. You may choose to solve the problem at a lower level (for instance, by consulting with a store manager if you were discriminated against by a business’s employee), but in accordance with federal and California state law, you also have the right to escalate the case by taking legal action. A civil rights attorney in Los Angeles ( ) will be able to help you determine the best course of action.

Seek Legal Assistance

When your civil rights have been violated, you are not obligated to simply let it go and move on if you don’t want to. You are well within your rights to take the case to court to seek compensation for physical injury, property destruction, or emotional damages. In fact, by taking the case to court, you are sending a message that this type of treatment isn’t okay, and that you will not stand for it. The first step is to find a civil rights attorney in Los Angeles who you are comfortable with, and who has the expertise to deal with your particular case. This lawyer will be a trusted guide throughout the process, and they will know the best route to take to seek compensation. Any experienced civil rights attorney in Los Angeles will know the specifics of local law ( ) and will be well equipped to represent you.

Prepare for the Process

One thing to keep in mind is that the process of filing and going through with a lawsuit can be long, and it can feel arduous. It can take a lot of energy and emotion, and it can leave you feeling exhausted at times. This isn’t to say that you should avoid the process, or let the threat of a hard fight deter you. It’s more a matter of preparing yourself. Knowing that it might be a difficult process gives you the opportunity to put a support system in place to ensure you have what it takes to get through. Make sure you have plenty of time set aside to rest during the process, and let trusted friends or family members know what’s going on so they can be there to support you. Having supports in place as you enter the legal process will make the whole thing a little easier to weather. There are plenty of civil rights attorneys in Los Angeles who can guide you through the process.

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Posted by on October 23, 2017 in Law


Four Types of Personal Insurance in Alberta for the Added Protection Tough Albertans Need

Personal insurance in Alberta offers the vital protection Albertans need to maintain their family’s financial, emotional, and physical health; in the event something happens to them. These types of insurance products are individual, as opposed to group. While group insurance has a multitude of benefits, sometimes it doesn’t cover every aspect of an individual’s life, or provide enough financial coverage.

It’s normal to purchase car insurance, but it’s not always crystal clear when it comes to insuring ourselves. In many ways we’re like a vehicle, the driving force in our personal lives and the lives of our loved ones. Personal insurance in Alberta ( ) involves a range of insurance products that work together for full protection.

4 Kinds of Personal Insurance in Alberta

Below is a synopsis of four types of personal insurance in Alberta for families so they can top up their group benefits; or use them a base to cover their needs.

1. Life Insurance

The amount of a group life insurance policy may not be sufficient, so a top-up may be required. It depends on the potential financial loss resulting from the premature death of an insured or their loved ones. Personal life insurance in Alberta would mean getting additional life insurance. There are two options. The first is a term life insurance, and the second is a permanent life insurance policy which also has a savings component.

2. Travel Insurance

This personal insurance in Alberta product is vital for trips out of the country. Even a trip to another province or the United States can turn into a nightmare in the event of an accident or illness. Although Alberta has one of the best provincial health care plans, it only covers a fraction of the cost of healthcare expenses out of the province.

3. Critical Illness Insurance

This type of personal insurance in Alberta pays out a tax-free lump sum payment if the insured is diagnosed with a defined critical illness during the policy. It’s usually sold as a rider in addition to other life insurance products. Each policy is different, but most cover illnesses such as heart attack, stroke and cancer.

This personal insurance in Alberta provides additional protection. It’s also offers a safety net because the monies can be used while the insured is still alive. Thus, they can spend time with their family and not have to worry about financial matters.

4. Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is a very important personal insurance in Alberta product. It is designed to replace a portion of the insured’s income if they become disabled and can’t earn money. There are many causes of a disability – and they can be long-term and/or short-term.

Although there are government disability insurance products such as CPP and group insurance through work, the coverage amount may not be enough, and government insurance ( ) is difficult to qualify for. This is particularly true with long-term disability – there is often a waiting period where there may not be any money coming in. This type of insurance is an important part of personal insurance in Alberta.

This list doesn’t cover every type of top-up insurance. If you’re unsure if you have enough personal insurance in Alberta for your unique needs, speak with an insurance professional. Independent insurance brokers are knowledgeable about all types of insurance products available to Albertans from various insurance companies.

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Posted by on October 18, 2017 in Insurance


Bathroom Vanity Cabinets Must Match the Overall Settings

Customize Your Bathroom Cabinet

Enhancing the visual beauty of the bathroom-areas in the maximum possible ways will be an ardent wish of all house owners. This is because, in our time, bathrooms lie close to the bedrooms, and hence, only when these areas become clean and tidy, the overall ambience appears agreeable. There are various ways of amplifying the beauty of bathrooms, and fixing properly designed bathroom vanity cabinets ( FoxdenDecor/Bathroom-vanity-cabinets ) are one such method. Storage cabinets are unavoidable in both big and small bathrooms, and by making these items cute and matching one can create an alluring ambience. However, you must make sure that the bathroom vanity goes well with the overall settings of the space. The best bet for the same is to get the item customized. In our time, some of the top furniture companies offer this customer-friendly provision, which is the practical way to phase in compactness within the room. Residences will have different-sized bathrooms, and hence one must choose the design appropriately and customize the item.

Things to Reckon While Customizing Bathroom Vanity Cabinets

You must do proper evaluation and must get a comprehensive idea regarding the bathroom vanity that you need.

Budget: You must have a mental idea of how much money you are intending to spend for buying the item. This will make you stay away from the products that fall above your fixed budget.

Size: The size of the item must be precisely proportional to the size of the space. Hence, you must measure the space correctly, before buying the item. Nevertheless, you must be aware of the fact that, if you go for smaller-sized bathroom cabinets, there will be only lesser storage rooms.

Wood Type: The proclivity and need of the customers differ, and therefore, major furniture companies will be ready to give cabinets created using hardwood, reclaimed wood, and new wood. You can choose your preferred wood. However, reclaimed furniture items have become very much popular these days. The cute appearance and durability are the key reasons. Besides, such items will have competitive price tags.

Design: It is advisable to go for a matching design and color; by this way, you can bring in more allure. Of course, you can go for contrasting designs if you wish so. However, due care must be taken to avoid a mismatch look. Here also, reclaimed bathroom vanity cabinets are most accepted. You will be able to create an extra allure within bathrooms, by placing such items. You can consult with the designer of the company with whom you are going to place the order.

Doors: You can choose arched doors or shutter doors in accordance with your preference or practical need. Both will look pretty, if the carpentry work is perfect.

The Top: You can choose ‘live edge’ top. This will look more natural, and will add allure to the cabinet. Established furniture ( FoxdenDecor/In-stock-bathroom-vanities ) companies will have a good pool of expert carpenters, who will be able to create wonderful lively cabinet tops.

Get a Detailed Sketch

There is another customer-friendly option provided by the top dealers. You can ask for a detailed sketch of the bathroom vanity cabinets, created in accordance with your requirements. This is an appealing aspect, by which you can make sure that the item bears all the specifications that you have given. This is a best sensible method to avoid future confrontation.

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Posted by on October 16, 2017 in Furniture


Bracelet Party Favors: A Token of Appreciation for Your Guests!

How a celebration can be perfect without some party favors for everyone to take home? Party favors are a great way to make the memory of your kid’s birthday or your wedding anniversary lasts. You have probably spent heaps of hours planning this event, choosing a theme, and preparing the food. Why not end it with the same enthusiasm and give some specifics to your party favors?

Well, to get the full value of your joy you must have someone to share with. If you can give someone a nice memory of a good time shared together, through party favors ( ), then you have definitely gained the joy of giving. Favors are a small and thoughtful way of experiencing the joy of giving. They are a token of appreciation to your guests. They don’t have to be too expensive.

They Create Memories

We all want beautiful memories of our special day, whether it’s a bridal shower, wedding, birthday party, anniversary party or some other special event. Wouldn’t you want your guests to share in those memories? You invited them for a reason. Favors are a way of providing your guests with special memories they can actually take home.

Favors Means Gratitude

Why give favors? Gratitude comes to mind. When it comes to parties, weddings and showers, favors mean gratitude. Of course, you would like to thank your guests for coming and sharing your special day. Make sure your “thank you” reflects your style and personality.

Well… now that you know why a party favor is essential you will probably want some best ideas for them as well.

And when it comes to party favors for young girls, bracelets are just the bang on! They are something that girls or even ladies love to collect in large amounts. This is because bracelets make one of the stylish gifts that can be used on a regular basis. For women, bracelets are an empowering piece of jewelry, especially if they are well thought-out and feminine.

Why Bracelets Party Favors?

• A stylish addition – Almost every woman can rock a graceful bracelet, regardless of their fashion style. Also, a bracelet completes one’s appearance, which is one of the reasons why they are such a popular accessory.

• A sophisticated accessory – For some people, lack of accessories means a sophisticated style. A bracelet ( ) makes an elegant yet simple accessory that can complement any outfit. Whether someone likes to keep it really simple or drench in accessories, a bracelet is something that can be worn in both ways.

• A Long-lasting memory – Bracelets can be worn regularly for a long time. People can look back to the party and relive the memories.

• A sentimental jewelry – A lot of the time, people wear a bracelet for sentimental value. They like to always carry those things that are valuable to them.

And when you are actually planning to buy a bracelet, why not go for wish bracelets. Wish bracelets would make wonderful party favors. They are inspirational, suitable for girls and women of all age groups who wish to celebrate a milestone, become more motivated, or work on their goals by the constant reminder of the wish bracelet on their wrist.

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Posted by on October 14, 2017 in Jewelry


Cost of Installing Solar Panels – Know The Exact Number!

So, what exactly is involved in calculating the cost of installing solar panels? When thinking about installing solar power, not many people know the way the cost of solar panel systems is actually calculated.

The truth is that the price of your new solar system ‘depends’ on how big or small it is. Or to put it another way – how many kiloWatts (kW) you choose to install. There is no one-size-fits-all model for incorporating solar panels into your home’s energy supply.

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels (that transform the sun’s rays into electrical energy) usually are priced in dollars per watt ($/W). When you decide to buy a solar energy system, you are actually purchasing the capability or “potential” to create electricity right now and into the future.

With that thought, the purpose of this article is to address the most important question: How much is the cost of installing solar panels?

Considering the fact that every single solar home installation is just a little different, the result differs a bit from home to home. And also, taking into consideration the size of solar panel ( TheSolarDigest ) you would like to install at your place. This will vary based on numerous factors, including the size of your home, the type of heating and cooling systems installed in your home, and the number of non-standard items you have in your home (swimming pool, hot-tub, electrical appliances, etc.).

Also, your usage will increase significantly in months when you run an air conditioning unit, as well. Finally, the cost of electricity varies widely across the USA, from as low as $7 per watt to as much as $9 per watt. Let us go deeper into it…

Listed here are the four components required in the installation of your solar photovoltaic (PV) system:

• The solar panel, which harnesses the sun’s energy and converts it to electricity;

• The controller, which regulates the flow of electricity, protecting the battery;

• The battery, which stores electricity for backup;

• The inverter, which converts the stored energy so that we can use a standard electrical equipment.

Factoring in the cost of each component, the cost of installing a 5kW system would be between $25,000-$35,000. And if the sun shone 24 hours a day, you could put up 100 sq. ft. of panels and have enough energy to power the average home.

But, as we know, the sun is available only during daylight hours, and the amount of energy available per day is absolutely dependent on the intensity of cloud cover.

Try to get at least two quotes from accredited solar panel installers. At last, it’s not until you have received a definite proposal that you will be able to know about how much solar panel system will cost for your household.

Every day, more and more people are deciding to use solar energy for some or all of their power requirements. Why wait? Go ahead, know the right cost of installing solar panels ( TheSolarDigest/Cost-of-Installing-Solar-Panels ) and let your system installed right away!

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Posted by on October 13, 2017 in Home Improvement


Services that Publishers can Avail from a Copy Editing and Editorial Proofreading Service Company

Content that is ready for publishing needs to be of the highest and most impeccable quality in order to meet editorial standards and maintain editorial integrity. It needs to pass through the critical eye to ensure that the content adheres to all set standards, while meeting the expectation of the client. As a publishing company, you can outsource such services to trusted editorial and proofreading service ( ) providers. Here are five popular offerings from such service providers in the content and editorial domain.

• Copy editing

Copy editing includes a wide gamut of services. Firstly, the professional copy editors verify the copy for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. They also verify and correct consistency and cross- references, and also prepare text and graphics for composition. A thorough editorial review of the content is done, to ensure that it conforms to the editorial standards set by the client.

Copy editing services also become beneficial when you publish a book that is written by a team of authors, rather than one person. In such instances, the copy editors to whom the work has been outsourced, review the copy for consistency and continuity in the manuscript. They ensure that the final content is organized, complete, and 100% correct.

• Proofreading services

Quality control is extremely critical and crucial in the process of content production and publishing. The proofreading services offered by such service providers put the page proofs through a critical lens to ensure that it reflects the expectation set by the customer, and meets the product standards set by them. This is done by cross verifying the page against the design specification, and manuscript approved by the author.

The authors find proofreading services helpful when they need assistance in marking their proofs. This is made possible with the help of editing and proofreading marks with examples. Many service providers also guide authors about electronic editing and proofing, including upload to and download from FTP sites. Such services ensure that only the best possible final product comes moves forward through publishing.

• Verification of accuracy

Content that revolves around scientific and technical data need to be verified for accuracy before they get published. The facts, calculations, and scientific methods presented in the copy need to be correct and precise. Copy editing and proofreading professionals include people who are experts in a variety of fields relating to scientific and technical disciplines such as Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Business, Engineering, Economics, Accounting, Medical, Law, History, and Social Sciences. Their presence in the copy editing and proofreading team ensures that whatever is published goes through a thorough and informed fact checking process.

• Verification of answers and solutions to problems

Academic material that is published can many a time, include solutions to problems, with detailed steps leading up to the answers. When a publishing ( ) house or company does not have staff with technical or scientific expertise or knowledge in the respective company, a copy editing and proofreading service provider steps in. Professionals and experts verify and check solutions to problem in varied disciplines such as Mathematics, Statistics, Probability, Engineering, etc. They also verify the answer key solutions, and help in creating solution manuals with the step-by-step work required to arrive at the right answer for each problem.

Copy editing and proofreading professionals are a boon to publishing companies. Their critical eye helps the latter put the copy and manuscripts through the highest standard scanners with a fine attention to detail. This ensures a successful, error-free publishing process, which meets client expectations without trouble.

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Posted by on October 11, 2017 in Publishing


How to Hire the Best Recruiting Firms in San Francisco

The job market has become increasingly competitive, and many companies find it hard to fill highly skilled positions. Staffing agencies with their wider reach and years of recruiting experience are able to find right candidates to fill positions. Many companies turn to the best recruiting firms in San Francisco ( Vitamintalent/Best-Recruiting-Firms-in-San-Francisco ) to get their perfect employees.

With so many recruiting firms out there, it can be difficult to select the right recruitment partner. Here is a list of some Do’s and Don’ts that will help you pick the best recruitment agency.

Do your homework

Performing proper research will help you know more information than what is given on their website. Call their clients to know about the recruitment expertise and experience. Every recruitment agency would boast they are the best, which is not always true.

Do check the legal aspects

Depending on the types of positions you are trying to fill, it is always advisable to check the legal aspects related to worker classification or payroll taxes. For example, if you are looking for temp to hire employees, the staffing agency would be the real employer for the new recruits and would be responsible for tax purposes.

You should also review the contract for indemnification clauses to ensure it protects both parties for any issues that may arise from such contractual employment.

Don’t select a general recruiter

There are many recruiting agencies to choose from. Some are generalist recruiters who hire for a wide range of industries and sectors while some specialist recruiters hire for specific industry or sub-sectors.

Working with a specialist recruiter has its own advantages such as the recruiters knowledge about the skill sets of different job functions and the work responsibilities associated with it. Specialist recruiters ( Vitamintalent/Talent ) are more likely to have candidates with the right skill sets in their talent pool which ensures the candidate is perfect for the job.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions

When you are interviewing best recruiting firms in San Francisco, ask more question to get more information. Some of the questions you can ask

● How do you provide value in recruitment?

● What technology and processes have you established for assessing candidates?

The answer to these questions will tell you a lot about the way of working. A good recruiter would be interested in finding perfect fit candidates and not just work to line up average talent to fill the position.

Similarly, a good recruiter would use the latest technology available to make the recruitment process more transparent and efficient.

The best recruiting firms in San Francisco would be eager to provide you information that will help you take the final call. So, get out there and interview the recruiters with whom you feel comfortable to work with.

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Posted by on October 10, 2017 in Employment


Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Direct Hire Staffing Agency

Recruiting is hard work. Without an extended reach, you may have to wait for months to find the right candidate. The cost-per-hire is an important metric for the HR department and the costs go up if the time-to-hire increases. Direct hire staffing agency ( VitaminTalent/direct-hire-staffing-agency ) with their dedicated resources and the wider network can reduce the time-to-hire which lowers the cost-per-hire.

Here are a few reasons why working with a staffing agency for direct hire makes sense.

Recruitment Is Not Limited to Applicants

Job advertisements that you post through different channels are more likely to reach potential candidates who are actively looking for a job. When organizations go solo in recruitment their choice for right candidates is limited to potential candidates who apply for the job. In most cases, the announcement about recruitment in your organization may not reach passive candidates (potential candidates who are working elsewhere).

When you join hands with a professional recruiter, you get access to their talent pools that contain both active as well as passive candidates. Passive candidates are often in contact with staffing agencies for better job opportunities. Since staffing agencies have detailed information of candidates in their databases, it is easy for them to reach passive candidates and tell them about your job offer.

Increase Your Brand Visibility

In today’s competitive job market, a strong recruiter brand has become a must for every organization. Generic job postings are boring and are passed over by the best candidates in favor of something that stands out.

There is no doubt; a strong recruiter helps in attracting better quality candidates. Large companies have the financial muscle to spend a significant amount to strengthen their recruiter brand. However, with limited budget constraints, medium sized businesses may not be able to allocate funds for promoting their recruiter brand.

A direct hire staffing agency gives the potential candidates real insights about your business – career opportunities, work culture, what’s like working in your organization and other benefits. If you partner with professional recruiters closely, they will be able to promote your brand in a positive way and help your company become an employer of choice.

Help Overcome Talent Shortages

According to Manpower group survey, around 40% of global companies have difficulty in finding candidates with the right skills. It is the number one reason why companies prefer staffing agencies to manage their recruitment. With some of the reasons mentioned above (passive candidates), some professional recruiters have the capability to bring in skilled and experienced candidates at short notice.

Knowledge of the Market

Companies are not recruiting all the time. Hence they are less aware of the changes in the job market, whereas professional recruiters are always recruiting for their clients. Since they are at the heart of recruiting, they have in-depth knowledge of the job market and the available skill sets for different job positions.

Companies who go alone in recruitment might waste days or months searching for candidates with the right skill sets. Professional recruiters ( VitaminTalent/what-we-do ) with their wider reach and experience are adept at filling the hardest job postings in less time.

The right direct hire staffing agency will have the right expertise and experience to support your organization in meeting staffing requirements. There is no doubt partnering with staffing agencies make sense for every organization seeking perfect the best fit for their organization.

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Posted by on October 9, 2017 in Employment


Cold Therapy Helps Patients Recover Faster From Back Surgery

Several common types of back surgery performed in the United States are; Spinal Fusion, Laminectomy, Discectomy, and Disc Replacement. When visiting your doctor, there are a few questions you will need answers to. How severe is the injury and what if, any surgery will be performed? Do you fully understand what the recovery time and commitment will be? What type of physical therapy will you be able to tolerate and what will the schedule be? Will cold therapy be provided by your physical therapist? Studies have shown that patients using cold therapy systems are more likely to follow their rehabilitation regiment because of the ease and convenience that the cold therapy system provides. The use of cold therapy has also been shown to reduce the amount of post-surgical physical therapy visits needed by some patients. What this means for the patient is lower medical bills, less pain, and a quicker recovery.

Patients want faster relief with less pain medication. Although pain medication is helpful to most patients after surgery, it does pose certain risks. Patients don’t want to become dependent on pain medication, they want faster relief and the ability get back to their normal lives without the dependence of pain medications. Cold therapy has proven to be the safest, most efficient form of non-medicine pain relief.

Cold therapy is commonly used after orthopedic surgeries and is especially helpful in the recovery after back surgeries. Cold therapy reduces swelling and therefore, relieves the patient’s pain better and more effectively than pain medicine alone. The lack of swelling to the surgical area actually accelerates the body’s natural healing process.

Cold therapy has come a long way since bags of melting ice or frozen peas. Patients can put ice in a bag or buy that bag of frozen peas, but there are better and safer options. Bags of ice are messy and patients risk the chance of infection to the wound area. The IsoComforter ( ) cold therapy system produces virtually no condensation, keeping the wound clean and dry. The IsoComforter cold therapy systems uses ice water circulated through a sterile or non-sterile pad that wraps around the entire back. This innovative and patented Iso-tube, uni-flow design is the most effective way to deliver cold therapy to the entire back and continuously circulates cold water to the targeted area.

IsoComforter cold therapy is easy to use. The IsoComforter CryoTech 100™ cold therapy unit is designed to avoid any operational confusion and handling. The integrated design of a self-priming pump allows the patient to add the appropriate ice and water in accordance to the instructions and just plug in the wall adapter to start the recirculation process. The Cryotech 100™ can be used above and below the wounded area without having to manually pump or prime using elevation. IsoComforter recognizes that patients are in some degree of discomfort and we strive to make the recovery process as comfortable and short as possible.

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Posted by on October 6, 2017 in Health